Award Winning BBQ Products and Recipes Guaranteed to Take Your Taste Buds to School!

A Native Son of Detroit Rock City and a Rocket City Gal joined not only by marriage, but their unwavering love of all things BBQ, team up to produce some of the tastiest BBQ in the land. No longer are they in EGGseQuetive Session, Kevin and Tammy are now running the entire University of Que! They have now been joined by a new Junior Faculty Member, their son Brayden. They have been competing since 2005, won some, lost some, but always have fun and represent themselves in the highest manner. In addition to competing, the University of Que has an awesome line of Award Winning BBQ Rubs, Brines and Sauces on the Market.
These have been tested on the competition trail as well as the back yard and have proven to be a winner in both locations. The University of Que is also ready to take you to school with one of our classes. Be it BBQ 101 or a Tell-All postmaster course, we will leave you with a full notebook of how-to's and a fully belly. Please take some time to explore the page, and ask some questions. We know you will learn something, and if anything, leave craving for some smoke kissed, slow cooked meat! Let these BBQ Drs. Take Your Taste Buds to School!

Ever since Kevin took his first "Cooking for Kids" class in the 4th grade, he has been hooked. Whether he was at his mother's side taking notes in her kitchen, or working towards the Cooking Merit Badge, Kevin's love for the culinary world has been ever strong. Only after getting married and buying his first grill did he discover the Art of BBQ. It was a lot of trial and error in the beginning, with more error than good, but eventually he figured some tricks of the trade out, developed his own flavor profiles, and started having some success on the KCBS BBQ Circuit. Kevin has earned a Ph.D. from Colorado State University in College and University Leadership. He works at the University of North Alabama where he is the Director of Strategic Initiatives. Kevin coaches his son's travel baseball team and enjoys testing new BBQ recipes out on his students at his home. He has appeared on the Travel Channel's American Grilled where he made some of the tastiest Smoked Bologna and Red Cabbage Slaw Lettuce Wraps this side of Beale Street.

If you ask Tammy what her role is with the University of Que, she will tell you that she is the sidekick. That is the furthest from the truth. Tammy ensures that everything runs to schedule, tastes good, and looks good. That meat is injected and rubbed at the right time, that the parsley boxes look amazing, and that the meat is coming off when it should. She is the glue that holds the team together. Tammy recently completed her Ph.D. from Colorado State University in College and University Leadership. She is employed as the Associate Vice President of Student Affairs at the University of North Alabama. She loves to travel and watch movies and can often be found learning about dinosaurs, Pokemon from Brayden, our Junior Faculty Member/Son, when we are not at the baseball field.